Are you an art collector seeking a custom art piece to enhance the beauty of your new home? Look no further! Gabrielle Benot is an experienced artist and a decorator known for her expertise in the field. She has worked on the major projects in the US, Europe and Asia. With her wealth of knowledge and experience, she can help you discover the ideal custom artwork that will elevate your space and reflect your unique style.

Design Tips and Tricks:

  1. Proportion and Placement:

When choosing a custom art piece, it is essential to consider the size and placement within your home. Measure the wall or area where you intend to display the artwork and select a piece that fits harmoniously. A large, eye-catching piece can serve as a focal point in your living room, while smaller, intricate artworks can add charm to hallways or bedrooms.

When choosing a custom art piece, it is essential to consider the size and placement within your home. Measure the wall or area where you intend to display the artwork and select a piece that fits harmoniously
  1. Harmonizing Colors:

To create a cohesive and visually pleasing atmosphere, consider the existing color palette in your home. Consult with Gabrielle Benot to select an artwork that complements or provides a striking contrast to the colors present. The right color choices will enhance the overall aesthetic and create a harmonious visual experience.

Take into account the existing color palette in your home and choose a custom piece that harmonizes or provides a striking contrast
  1. Embracing Texture and Depth:

Adding texture and depth to your custom art piece can elevate its impact and create visual interest. Gabrielle Benot can recommend artworks that incorporate different textures and techniques, which will enhance the overall look and feel of your space. Consider the textures already present in your home, such as wall finishes or furniture materials, to ensure a cohesive design.

Adding texture and depth to your custom art piece can elevate its impact and create visual interest.

Custom Limited Edition Prints:

For art enthusiasts seeking affordable options, consider investing in limited edition prints. Gabrielle Benot offers meticulously produced prints that capture the essence and beauty of her original artwork. These prints are an accessible way to own a piece of art that exudes refinement and sophistication.

Investing in Thought-Provoking Art:

Every custom art piece has a unique story to tell, and displaying it in your home sparks conversations and emotions. By selecting a thought-provoking piece, you create an engaging and inspiring ambiance for yourself and your guests. Allow your custom art piece to become a visual representation of your refined taste and artistic sensibilities.

Stay Connected:

Stay informed about art trends, exhibitions, and more by staying connected with Gabrielle Benot through her website at Explore the incredible world of art and design, and let Gabrielle Benot’s expertise guide you in finding the perfect custom art piece to enhance your new home.